what we offer
Providing state-of-the-art technology coupled with proven business models and affordable start-up costs. Finance is available! Ask us how!
Now you have the freedom to be your own boss and market your brand, powered by the world’s leading EMS device.
No Franchise Fees, or other hidden fees to pay!
Here is what you will get:
The best return-on-investment in the fitness industry
Proven business models with options to suit you
Award-winning technology and software with regular updates
Australian Service, Maintenance and Support
The EMS Trainer Course registered with Aus-Active and access to the EMS Training Institute
Ongoing support and promotion from Xbody
Growing Demand for EMS training

EMS training is the fastest-growing segment of the global fitness industry. A single 20 Minute EMS session is equivalent to a traditional 90-minute workout.
In traditional strength training, 35% of muscle fibres are activated in a specific muscle group. With EMS training, over 90% of muscle fibres in the entire body are activated simultaneously, without putting any pressure on the joints.
EMS works by sending stimulation to the muscles to make them contract. The XBODY EMS system allows us to control stimulation to different muscle groups, the intensity of the stimulation, and even which type of muscle fibres are stimulated in order to achieve the best result for the client.
EMS training is safe, fast, effective and it feels great. By sending stimulation to the neural system and muscles, we are truly achieving treatment and training at the same time.
How XBODY EMS Supports the Different Fitness Functions

Only 20 minutes!
Time efficiency of EMS training is our number one selling point – 20 minutes once or maximum twice per week is all it takes to achieve fantastic results. Making our system appealing to mums and dads & professionals that don’t have time, or the desire to spend hours in the gym.
XBODY support
At XBODY we care about our personal trainer’s success. That is WHY, with the experience of more than 5000 partners globally, we have developed market-proven business practices to help your business grow.